Law new refers to legislation passed by Congress or another legislative body. Legislation, or laws, are official rules that govern behavior in a society or country.
Laws are created when a senator or other legislator has an idea for a new policy. These ideas may come from their constituents, from an organization that calls for a new law, or from State agencies or officials. Once a new law is settled on, it must be written into a bill for consideration by the Senate.
Once a bill has been approved by both houses of the Legislature, it becomes a law if the Governor signs it within 10 days of being passed. If the Governor vetoes a bill, it must be overridden by two-thirds of both houses.
Law is a field of study that encompasses many areas of life and business, including property, corporate and criminal law. Utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s definition of law states that it is “commands, backed by the threat of sanctions, from a sovereign, to whom people have a habit of obedience”. Philosophers of natural law, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, have argued that there are innate moral laws.