The legal field is a constantly evolving one, and as the years roll by lawyers must keep their heads in the game. The ideas that work one year may not necessarily be effective the next, and the firms that can harness new strategies will have an advantage over those who don’t. One such concept is law new, a term that refers to the idea of finding new ways to provide legal services. It can mean working with underserved communities, coming up with unique methods for providing help to clients or creating a strategy that serves as a secondary focus for a firm’s main legal efforts.
The idea of a “New Law” practice isn’t necessarily new, but it is a concept that’s becoming more and more popular as firms seek to innovate the way they provide legal services. Many startups, companies and law firm subsidiaries that have created or augmented legal services have adopted the label of New Law to promote their own brand of innovation. This is a broad label that can include a wide range of practices, but most use it to emphasize the fact that they’re seeking to break down barriers and do things differently than traditional law firms.
NYU Law students and alumni practitioners shared their perspectives at the 2023 Distinguished Jurist Lecture with Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster of the Delaware Court of Chancery. Among the highlights of the event was a panel discussion on the impact of US Supreme Court decisions on intellectual property.
On November 13, the NYU community gathered to celebrate the silver anniversary of the AnBryce Scholarship Program. The program provides scholarships to first-generation law students.
In a special issue of the NYU Journal of International Law and Business, Professor of Law David Abel and Dean of Academic Affairs Jeremy Paul discussed the role that the United States must play as an international legal actor, including its obligation to protect human rights abroad. The journal also includes a special article by Professor of Law Adam Cox and Professor of Arts Emma Kaufman on the tensions in the Roberts Court’s jurisprudence on administrative law.
The laws of the State of New York are a comprehensive set of rules and regulations that govern the conduct of individuals and entities in the State. They are a result of the efforts of a number of stakeholders, including members of the Senate and Assembly, the Governor, and the Office of the Attorney General, who have worked together to create a system that is both transparent and accessible. This website allows users to view the current laws of the State of New York, as well as changes (known as bills) that have been proposed by members of the legislature or the Governor. The site is designed to be user-friendly and is easy to navigate. It is an excellent tool for understanding the complexities of New York’s laws and regulations. A full listing of the current laws is available by category, as well as a search feature.